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Easy Title changer. Plix ;)

14 years 10 months ago #3662 by over
Replied by over on topic Re: Easy Title changer. Plix ;)
Hi elvinsson,

I think the info about changing the cookbook title is missing in the "personalze guide" in help/faq (tipps & tricks). I'll add it. You'll find an entry in the language file with Gary's Cookbok=. This is mainly used to make it possible to translate it if you have a multi language site.

I think we'll discuss of a use of comma as divider for the title. I have more problem with the length of the title. Saving a couple of characters won't help much.

e.g. "My site with the best recipes from our grandma, This is the first level of categories, this is the second level of categories, recipes from the state of Småland in Sweden, Cheesecake from Småland the traditional way"

Yes! It may occur that long. A lot disappears in the Browser header and when googeling you see only a short part.

This is not long but you see that a recipe from this site has a nice ranking.
Enter: balkan küche polenta in the browsersearch.

To avoid a new question: I don't think SEF/SEO links are possible yet even with a Joomla! third party extension. We are working on getting the Joomla! standard functionality to work with the Cookbook. We hope this will be better solved in Joomla! v 1.6 We think this should be included in a CMS.

You could though maintain the metadata (description, keys and robots) when publishing new recipes. The update of the html source code is not yet implemented but will be in short. We still have some problems with multi lanhuage sites here.


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14 years 10 months ago - 14 years 10 months ago #3663 by elvingsson
Replied by elvingsson on topic Re: Easy Title changer. Plix ;)
Ur from Småland :)?

I have notised that the length can be a bit of a problem i joomla ;/...

Btw wan`t thx for the in link.

Last edit: 14 years 10 months ago by elvingsson.

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