Here we want to read your Ideas and Wishes to Garys Cookbook 3.X.x Of course also to everything around the Cookbook as the extensions. We need your Ideas to improve this component in a from you desired direction. The Ideas from the old thread are moved to this new Subforum. In this subforum it is easier to discuss and comment the ideas. Please open a new thread for each idea.Questions to the actual versions of course are written in the normal Forum as usual.
as I, for personal reasons didn't follow the discussions for a while I can only speak for my self right now.
Garys Cookbook will be adopted to the Joomla! 1.6 version. Probably completely rewritten to be more conform with Joomla.
I'll ask the Cookbook Chief to open a new forum for J! 1.6 discussions. Hope you will join that.
I mention this because your idea is on the Idea/To do list. ie allow other media to be integrated with the Cookbook. Not only videos but also images from external sources as they might be stored somewhere in the so called "cloud"
Another wild idea would be to allow some kind of map coordinates if you have regional reciepes on your site.