Topics to install and update Gary's Cookbook.
Update (migrate) form Garys Cookbook 1.x / 2.x to Garys Cookbook 3.0.
Here you'll find descriptions of the steps concerning Garys Cookbook. How to upgrade (migrate) Joomla from Version 1.0 auf 1.5 you better read on:
It's a very good Idea to backup the Joomla-Data before you perform a new Installation/Upgrade/Update and if you are going to manually make changes. Backup the Database with a Tool. e.g. phpMyAdmin. Also copy your Joomla-Directories to a backup-directory, local or on your Server.
1.Backup (download) the Cookbookdata from your old Joomla-System.
1.1 Backup the Data from the Joomla-Database.
At first you have to export the Data from the Joomla-Database. e.g. with the Tool phpMyAdmin as described in the Theme "EN Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x.".
Databasetables (xxx=your Joomla-Prefix):
Specialcase Table: xxx_categories
1.2 Backup the data from the Joomla-Directories.
Then you must backup the Data from the directories of the Joomla-Component Garys Cookbook. Normaly it's enough if you only copy those Files.
The Picture-Directories:
e.g. standard: your joomla-path/components/com_garyscookbook/ +
img_pictures and
and if configured
If you have Data or Pictures saved somewhere else, you of course have to copy them as well.
2. Install (migrate) Joomla und Garys Kochbuch
If you want to migrate the Joomla-System please read the links above. If not, you can try to follow the Installation-Help in this Forum.
When you have configured your new Joomla-System and made your first tests, you may install the Cookbook Component. Her you can use the Installation-help to Garys Kochbuch 3.X.x in this Forum.
3. Check the Data.
Check that the Databasetables are empty as described in the Theme "EN Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x.".
4. Reload the Databasedata.
This is a step not very well tested!!! We would be greatfull to get to know your experiences!
Before you go ahead, you sohuld copy your Sql-Files!
If you have used a different Table-Prefix in the new Joomla-Database as in the old, you have to change the exported Files (.sql) with an Editor (utf-8). Exchange the old Prefix with the new. !!! Information on Editors im Thema: "EN Short Guide to installation GCB 3.X.x" !!! Then save the Files. I think you have to save with utf-8 Charactercodes. (See below)
Import the Data into the Databasetables as described in the Theme "EN Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x." .
After the import, thoroughly check if the specialcharacters (ß,ü,ö,ä,Ü,Ö,Ä a.s.o.) are shown correct in your Recipes.
If you find Errors and you didn't yet save the Sql-Files with utf-8-charactercodes, empty the Tabeles again. (As described in the Theme "EN Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x.".) Open the Sql-Files with your utf-8-Editor and save them with utf-8 Charactercodes (as above).
Import the Data new. Again check if the specialcharacters (ß,ü,ö,ä,Ü,Ö,Ä a.s.o.) are shown correct in your Recipes. Now OK? Else we have a Problem! Probably you have to maintain your Recipes manually. Hope not.
5. Reload the rest of the Data.
Now you have to upload your Recipe-pictures to the new Joomla-directories. The Directorypathes are to be found in the Cookbook-Configuration.
e.g. standard: your joomla-path/components/com_garyscookbook/ +
img_pictures and
and, if in the Configuration activated
Now you just have to test the new Cookbook 3.0 Version.
Wish you a lot of fun!
New from Version 3.0.16 is that the upgrade has to be done with the Joomla! installation procedure. All neccessary changes are made by the installation program. How to handle personalized data without having to copy data from the backup is described in Help/Faq - Configuration/Personalize.
Before upgrading allways perfor a backup. See below.
1. Preparations
1.1 Download the new version as installation package from this site. .
If there are new languagefiles for your languages available download those. English and german included in the package. Allway carefully keep track of your own changes. English ad german languagefiles are overridden by the installation others not.
Set Gary´s Cookbook off line in the Cookbookkonfiguration (Administration).
1.2 Back up
It's a good idea to back up the Joomla-Data before installation/upgrade and before manaul manupilation of any installation data. Back up the database with a tool as eg phpMyAdmin. Copy your Joomla! path to a backup path local or on the server.
Befor upgrading Garys Cookbook 3.0.x you shoul at least back up those data: A complete back up is of course easier aber a restore only of the cookbook isn't possible.
Backup (export) the databasdata wit a tool. Here phpMyAdmin Version 2.11.5 with standardkonfiguration is used. Other versions, settings or tools may look/work in anather way.
1.2.1 The Tabels (xxx = your Joomla Prefix)
These Tables may be exported together .
In phpMyAdmin choose your Joomla-Database and export from the Menu. Then choose exactly those Tables from the selectionlist. SQL is as standard marked, if not please mark.
Those settings work fine for me.
Add custom comment .... empty
Enclose export in a transaction: nor marked
Disable foreign key checks: not marked
SQL compatibility mode: NONE
If Structure marked is - remove!!
Those settings work fine for me.
Data: marked
Complete inserts: marked
Extended inserts: marked
Maximal length of created query: 5000
Use delayed inserts : not marked
Use ignore inserts: not marked
Use hexadecimal for BLOB: marked
Export type: INSERT
Then you mark the Save as file.
File name template is standard set to: "__DB__" and remember template is marked.
You are also able to choose a Data-Compression if you export larger Tables.
Click on Go and the Result is downloaded. You should change the filename to something understandable to your download.
1.2.2. Specialcase Categories, Tablename: xxx_categories. (xxx = your Joomla Prefix)
Choose the Table in your Joomla-Database and then SQL in the Menu.
Enter : SELECT * FROM `xxx_categories` WHERE `section` ='com_garyscookbook'
Click on Go. Now you should only see the Categories of the Cookbook. If ok.
Click on export in the footer. Then you'll see a screen almost the same as above (1.2.1). Enter the same settings and click on Go to download. You should change the filename to something understandable to your download.
1.2.3. Copy (download) from your Joomla-Directory :
from your "joomla-path/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook": config.garyscookbook.php (Configuration File)
If you've changed the Country/region list download
With version 3.0.15 or less installed to find in path "your joomlapath/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook/helpers" . From version 3.0.16 to find in path "your Jjoomlapath/components/com_garyscookbook/themes/themex . From version 3.0.16 there is another possibility. Please read Help/Faq Configure/Personalize.
If you've made changes to the Language-Files: backup the changed files from "your joomla-path/administrator/language/" and/or "your joomla-path/language" directory; xx-XX.com_garyscookbook.ini where xx-XX is the language-code.
Your Recipe-Picture Directories (to be found in your configuration)
e.g. standard: "your joomla-path/components/com_garyscookbook/cookbookpictures/" +
img_thumbnails and
and if changed in the configuration
img_categories and
(If you have changed the path-settings, "components/com_garyscookbook/cookbookpictures", to a path outside of the component you don't absolutly have to download the image directories. But it's always a good idea to have a backup of your recipe images)
I hope that's it.
2. Installation
2.1 Manual pgrade is not possible anymore! 2.2 Install the downloaded zip file with the Joomla! installation.
2.3 Configuration/Settings.
Test if there are new configuration settings. The settings were actualised during the installation but maybe you want to change something.
2.4 Language files
If you have changed the language texts, check if the language has new or changed texts. For english or german you just add your own changes to the new files using the program in backend. For not english or german you may have to add new textrows to your your language files.
2.5 If you have changed the country/region list.
Please read Help/Faq Configure/Personalize.
2.6 If you have changed icons orr other images.
Please read Help/Faq Configure/Personalize.
2.7 Programcode
Who changed any programcode has to rework the changes. The programcode is changed from version to version. Do not just override an programs.
2.8 Test new version!
2.9 Set your Cookbook on line.
Have fun!
If you're not experienced please be careful. Please post your experiences.
1. Preparations
2. Upgrade with the help of the new Installation-Package (Re-Installation)
3. Manual Upgrade from an extracted Installation-Package
1. Preparations
I know there are a lot of other ways to do this, but then you absolutly have to know what you're doing. This should be a short help to non-experienced users with a productive System. Two ways will be described, 2. Upgrade with the help of the Installation-Package (Re-Installation), 3. Manual Upgrade from an unpacked Installation-Package.
1.1 Download the latest Installation-Package from
If there are new Language-Installation-Files or Language-Files (.ini) available for your Languages. Please download.
Set Gary´s Cookbook offline in the Configuration of the Cookbook on the Administration Pages.
1.2 Backup
It's a very good Idea to make a Backup of all your Joomla-Data before installing new Versions, or if you manually maintain your Database. Backup the Database with a Tool, for example with phpMyAdmin. Also copy your Joomla-Directories to a Backup-Directory, local or on your Server.
To upgrade Garys Cookbook 3.X.x you should at least backup the following Data:
Backup (export) the Garys Kochbuch Data from the Joomla Database with a Tool. Here the phpMyAdmin Version 2.11.5 with Standardconfiguration is used. With other Versions or Configurations there might be some differences.
1.2.1 The Tables (xxx = your Joomla Prefix)
These Tables may be exported together .
In phpMyAdmin choose your Joomla-Database and export from the Menu. Then choose exactly those Tables from the selectionlist. SQL is as standard marked, if not please mark.
Those settings work fine for me.
Add custom comment .... empty
Enclose export in a transaction: nor marked
Disable foreign key checks: not marked
SQL compatibility mode: NONE
If Structure marked is - remove!!
Those settings work fine for me.
Data: marked
Complete inserts: marked
Extended inserts: marked
Maximal length of created query: 5000
Use delayed inserts : not marked
Use ignore inserts: not marked
Use hexadecimal for BLOB: marked
Export type: INSERT
Then you mark the Save as file.
File name template is standard set to: "__DB__" and remember template is marked.
You are also able to choose a Data-Compression if you export larger Tables.
Click on Go and the Result is downloaded. You should change the filename to something understandable to your download.
1.2.2. Specialcase Categories, Tablename: xxx_categories. (xxx = your Joomla Prefix)
Choose the Table in your Joomla-Database and then SQL in the Menu.
Enter : SELECT * FROM `xxx_categories` WHERE `section` ='com_garyscookbook'
Click on Go. Now you should only see the Categories of the Cookbook. If ok.
Click on export in the footer. Then you'll see a screen almost the same as above (1.2.1). Enter the same settings and click on Go to download. You should change the filename to something understandable to your download.
1.2.3. Copy (download) from your Joomla-Directory :
from your "joomla-path/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook": config.garyscookbook.php (Configuration File)
If you've changed the Country/Region List : from your "joomla-path/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook/helpers":
If you've made changes to the Language-Files: backup the changed files from "your joomla-path/administrator/language/" and/or "your joomla-path/language" directory; xx-XX.com_garyscookbook.ini where xx-XX is the language-code.
Your Recipe-Picture Directories (to be found in your configuration)
e.g. standard: "your joomla-path/components/com_garyscookbook/cookbookpictures/" +
img_thumbnails and
and if changed in the configuration
img_categories and
(If you have changed the path-settings, "components/com_garyscookbook/cookbookpictures", to a path outside of the component you don't absolutly have to download the Picture-directories. But it's always a good idea to have a backup of your Recipe-pictures)
I hope that's it.
2. Upgrade with the help of the Installation-Package (Re-Installation)
2.1 Remove Garys Cookbook 3.X.x.
ATTENTION! Only use this method if NO changes to databasetables has been made. Please read the informations related to the download.
After the Backup-step uninstall the Component. In the Backend-Menu choose Extensions - Install/Uninstall - Components Mark Garys Cookbook and choose Uninstall, above to the right. And as supposed the Component will be deinstalled.
2.2 Install the new relase of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x
If Step 2.1 was OK, go on and open the downloaded new Installation-Package in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Extensions -> Install/Uninstall and run it.
2.3. Check the Databasetables before importing data
2.3.1 Check that the Tables (xxx = your Joomla Prefix)
are empty.
In the Databaseview the Records must be "0" . If not, delete the entries. Mark the tables after another and click on Empty (Trash).
2.3.2 Also check the Table xxx_categories. (xxx = your Joomla Prefix)
Choose the Table in your Joomla-Database and then SQL in the Menu.
Enter : SELECT * FROM `xxx_categories` WHERE `section` ='com_garyscookbook'
Click on Go. Now you should only see the Categories of the Cookbook. If ok.
If you now see one or more Cookbook-Categories (only!), click on "Check All" beneath of the Table-entries. Then on Delete (X) to the right.
2.4. Import the saved data
2.4.1 Import the Data to the Joomla-Database.
In phpMyAdmin choose your Joomla-Database. Then click on import in the Menu.
Click on "Lookup" ("Durchsuchen" is shown by me also when working in english!) search your exported file to import. I use the following settings:
Character set of the file: utf8
Allow interrupt of import ..: marked
Number of record ... : 0,
SQL: marked
SQL compatibility mode: NONE
Click on Go.
Repeat for second File.
2.4.2 Upload the Backup Data to your Joomla-Directory:
To your " joomla-path/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook":
config.garyscookbook.php Your configurations.
If you've changed the Country/Region List
to "your joomla-path/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook/helpers":
Upload your saved Recipe-Picture Directories (see your configuration)
if they are to be found in the com_garyscookbook Path.
e.g. standard: "your joomla-path/components/com_garyscookbook/cookbookpictures/" +
img_thumbnails and
and if changed in the configuration
img_categories and
2.4.3 New Language-Installation-Packages
If new Language-Installation-Packages are available, delete the old Language-Files, xx-XX.com_garyscookbook.ini where xx-XX is the language-code,from your "joomla-path/administrator/language" and/or "your joomla-path/language" Directory.
Then open the downloaded Packages in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Extensions -> Install/Uninstall and run them.
2.4.4 Changed Language-Files
If you've made changes to the Language-Files. Check if the new Language-Files have new and/or changed Entries. Edit your own Language-Files.
Upload your own Files to "your joomla-path/administrator/language" and/or "your joomla-path/language" Directory overriding the Standard-Files, xx-XX.com_garyscookbook.ini where xx-XX is your language-code.
2.5 Configuration
Open the Component in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Components -> Gary's Cookbook.
Choose Settings. Go through all Parameters of the Component to Customize your own Site with possible new settings. Save the Configuration
2.6 Database version check.
This step isn't necessary! But if you have some problems, you can check that the Cookbook-databasetables are in the correct version.
Open the Component in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Components -> Gary's Cookbook.
Choose "Upgrade table to Gary's Cookbook 3.X.x.
You should then see a massage that the tables are ok.
2.7 Test the new Version
As always, test the new version before releasing it on the web!
3. Manual Upgrade from an extracted Installation-Package.
3.1 Backup / Unpack
Backup the data as described above. It's not necessary to backup the Data from the Databasetables! Unpack the downloaded Installation-Package to a local directory.
3.2 Upload unpacked Files.
Upload the new Data to the Server from the directories of the unpacked Installation:
3.2.1 Choose all directories and files beneath directory admin. Upload all those files to "your Joomla-directory/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook/"
3.2.2 Choose all directories and files except admin and languages. Upload all those files to "your Joomla-directory/components/com_garyscookbook/"
3.2.3 Languages Choose the Language-Directory. In the admin Directory you'll find the Languagefiles for the Administrator-Pages.Upload "your" languages to "your Joomla-directory/administrator/language/" and "your Joomla-directory/language" directory xx-YY. Changed Language-Files
If you've made changes to the Language-Files. Check if the new Language-Files have new and/or changed Entries. Edit your own Language-Files.
Upload your own Files to "your Joomla-directory/administrator/language" and/or "your Joomla-directory/language" Directory overriding the Standard-Files, xx-XX.com_garyscookbook.ini where xx-XX is your language-code.
3.3 Upload the Backup Data to your Joomla-Directory:
To "your Joomla-directory/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook":
config.garyscookbook.php Your configurations.
If you've changed the Country/Region List:
to "your Joomla-directory/administrator/components/com_garyscookbook/helpers":
Upload your saved Recipe-Picture Directories (see your configuration)
if they are to be found in the com_garyscookbook Path and have been overridden with the Installation steps.
e.g. standard: "your joomla-path/components/com_garyscookbook/cookbookpictures/" +
img_pictures and
and depending on configuration
3.4 Configuration, activation
Open the Component in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Components -> Gary's Cookbook.
Choose Settings. Go through all Parameters of the Component to Customize your own Site with possible new settings. Save the Configuration.
3.5 Database upgrade to new Version.
Open the Component in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Components -> Gary's Cookbook.
Choose "Upgrade table to Gary's Cookbook 3.X.x.
If the Database-Tables have been changed, they will be upgraded to the new Version with this step.
3.6 Update database fields (only from version 3.0.14 and only once)
A couple of database fields may be updated. Choose "create alias" in the Cookbook backend. Missing aliias names for recipe tiitles are updated, Creation date iupdated with the existing date (before only one date available) and, if possible, user informations. User informations only ift he field author iis found in the Joomla! user table.
3.7 Test the new Version As always, test the new Version! That's it I think!